Programs & Classes
Convicted Ministries received approval to launch the first Re:Generation program inside of a female prison, we launched the pilot class in of 2023 with a group of 75 female inmates.
Convicted Ministries volunteers launched the first Re:Generation program on a female prison unit, teaching the class, training and leading the volunteers that come in to assist with the program, and providing mentorship as well as additional support for the participants to complete the weekly studies.
We completed the first class in May of 2024, so many women found freedom and healing from God through this program. Convicted Ministries is working on launching the program in other units across Texas.
Breaking Free Bible Study
The Breaking Free Bible Study by Beth Moore is a class that has a major impact on the female prison population. As we study the book of Isaiah it reveals how the Israelites broke free of the bonds of slavery and how we, too, can break free from the chains that keep us bound in our sin. We look at generational bondage, diving deep into our past, and this study also digs into how to heal and breakthrough from sexual abuse. Which, statistics show that 86% of females in jails or prisons have been sexually abused or violated at one point in their lifetime. This typically becomes the root cause of the majority of the female prison population's life of crime or what led them to prison in the first place. When we can heal, turn to Jesus, and break free of the bondage of sin, our lives become radically changed.
Back 2 Basics Bible Study
God laid it on my heart for this Bible study after a conversation with one of the inmates that they were desperately wanting to go deeper into God's Word. After a lot of prayer, a foundational Bible study was birthed that centered around reading the Bible, understanding the Bible, and applying what you read in the Bible to your life. At first, I didn't think that a foundational Bible study could go deep and teach the ladies what they needed, but God was quick to prove me wrong!!! We started with women of the Bible and took each woman and studied only her and everything that was written about her in the Bible for an entire week; by the end of each lesson, we had not only foundational knowledge for the ladies who were just starting to learn about the Bible but also a deep understanding of each Bible character and the setting and context of the culture, society, and religion of that time period, also how all of those things applied to our lives right now in today's world for the ladies who wanted a deeper understanding of God's Word.